One Fairy Tale, Two Colors


Emotions are an integral part of our lives and influence our thoughts, actions, and decisions. Love, hate, happiness, and revenge are some of the most powerful and complex emotions that we experience as human beings. These emotions can shape our relationships and the way we perceive the world around us. One Fairy Tale, Two Colors is a photo book that explores the themes of love, hate, happiness, and revenge through the lens of black and white photography. The book is a visual journey that takes the reader through a range of emotions and experiences, capturing the essence of human relationships and the complexities of our feelings. The photos in One Fairy Tale, Two Colors convey a depth of emotion that words cannot always capture. The use of black and white photography adds to the emotion, creating a timeless feel. One Fairy Tale, Two Colors is a thought-provoking book that delves into the depths of human emotions. The photos are capturing the essence of what it means to be human. Whether you are a fan of photography, storytelling, or exploring the intricacies of human relationships, this book is a must-see.

Sashko Ilov

Photographer, graphic/web designer, and educator.

Art and Sex Connect People, Female Gaze Divides